Bio-nanosensing structures/devices
Our lab focuses on developing various biosensors/nanosensors/devices
using various biomolecular nanosystems. These nanoparticles,
particularly anisotropic metal nanostructures, possess unique
physicochemical properties that make them suitable for various
applications in materials science and biological fields. We use various
metallic nanostructures like gold nanoparticles modified with peptide and
small molecules such as aptamers for specifically targeting various
ailments or disorders. Gold nanoparticles, for instance, are used for
colorimetric sensing or as surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)
based sensing, for the detection of various molecular markers specific for
disease like glioma, stroke, Alzheimer’s and other nutrient deficiencies
faced by the human population. Biosensing has emerged as a highly
sensitive detection technique for low-concentration molecules, including
DNA, microRNA, proteins, blood, and even bacteria. It provides
abundant structural information for biological analytes, enabling single-
cell detection and identification and disease diagnosis. We have already
reported the synthesis of gold nano/micro roses resembling petals. The
resulting structures of microroses, coated with levodopa, offer numerous
interaction sites for biomolecules and cells, making them a favorable
biosensing platform. The application of these nanostructures utilized
SERS based sensing of probes from C6 glioma cells for in situ
diagnostics of glioma and other neural disorders.